Getting Started

Welcome to Breeze!

This article is designed to help you set your organization up in Breeze with the help of the Onboarding workflow. For more information on any of the steps below, follow the links to more specific articles.

(blue star)  Welcome video

In case you missed it at the start of the onboarding flow, here’s a two minute introduction to Breeze:

Onboarding Walkthrough Video

(blue star) Onboarding Steps

The first thing you will see in Breeze is this checklist. Here’s what each step means:

  1. Setup your profile | Add basic information about you and your organization, including a profile photo, your name, your organization’s name, and your job title.

  2. Upload a data file | Upload a spreadsheet including sources, places, and activity data points in a single table. For more information on how to format your file, click here.

  3. Configure your places | Every unique Place in your file will be extracted based on the name used in your upload. Click on the "SETUP" button next to each Place and populate all fields. For more information on Places, click here. Once all Places have been set up, you can click the "NEXT" button.

  4. Configure your sources | Like with Places, each unique Source in your file will be extracted based on the name used in your upload. Click on the "SETUP" button next to each Source and populate all fields. For more information on Sources, click here. Once all Sources have been set up, you can click the "NEXT" button.

  5. Add data points | Confirm all the details on each of your uploaded Data Points is correct, and/or add new data points using the Sources and Places created earlier in the onboarding. Emissions will be calculated on each of these data points once you complete the onboarding process. For more information on Data Points, click here.

  6. View your footprint | Once each of the steps above is complete, click the "COMPLETE ONBOARDING" button to enter your newly configured Breeze account and see your footprint!

You can always skip the onboarding flow if you don’t have your data ready or want to create a more complex organizational structure.

🤔 New to measuring your emissions?

If this is your first time calculating GHG emissions, or you need to brush up on your knowledge, check out our Comprehensive Guide to Measuring GHG Emissions!

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