How to Share Climate Factors Across Organizations

When you invest time and energy building your Organization-Specific Climate Factor database, you want to be able to reuse those values.

In Breeze, you can share your Organization-Specific Climate Factors instantly to any of your Organizations.

Please note this feature is only available to Organizations on paid plans. For a full list of features, click here.

How to transfer Climate Factors

Follow these steps to move your factors from one organization to another

  1. Navigate to Map>Factors
  2. Find the factor you want to transfer, and click the Share button
  3. Select the destination Organization and click “Share Factor” to complete the transfer!

In the destination Organization, the Climate Factor will appear instantly with “ [From yourOrganizationName]” added to the end of the title. This can be deleted, and any other value can be edited, without affecting the original Climate Factor.

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