Breeze's Climate Factor Database

Finding and selecting good, relevant emission factors for your GHG inventory is often one of the most difficult part of calculating your organization’s emissions. It is common to find lists containing thousands or millions of factors, which you need to cull through until you find each of the best-suited items for your needs.

In Breeze we use the terms Climate Factor and Emission Factor interchangeably.

Most companies will probably need 20-50 emission factors, maximum. Most of them are simple, commonly used factors that you can find anywhere. Some are more unique, use-case-specific factors, or may even be provided or calculated by specific suppliers.

Our approach at Breeze is to provide a thoughtfully curated list of factors, and an even more focused set of Source Templates, then allowing users to add their own custom emission factors for their organization and use cases. Please note that Breeze/newOS does not take responsibility for updating organization-specific, custom emission factors added by users.

Which emission factors are included in Breeze?

Based on our overall approach to emissions calculation, whereby we aim to allow any company to measure their emissions easily, Breeze does not include every available emission factor. We must sacrifice comprehensiveness for simplicity and ease-of-use in some cases. Below are some high-level guidelines that inform which emission factors are included vs excluded in Breeze’s Climate Factor database:

  • We aim to include emission factors relevant to the GHG Protocol scope 1, 2, and 3 categories
  • We aim to include emission factors relevant to multiple industries/verticals where possible
  • We aim to include emission factors that are updated regularly

    We aim to include emission factors from trusted, authoritative, science-based sources (such as government environmental agencies, etc.)

    We include emission factors commonly used by our core client base. This is the majority of SMEs and larger organizations, but excludes the following industries*:

    • Mining & resource extraction
    • Energy generation & public utilities
    • Governments
    • Deep technology companies with access to primary emissions data
    • Chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers

*This is not to say that these organizations cannot and do not use Breeze, but they are not our focus.

Please note: Where there are multiple similar versions of the same emission factor, we choose to use the version that encapsulates as much of the impact, including externalities, as possible - even if it results in a higher overall emissions result. For example, we select the air travel emission factors with radiative forcing (RF) included.

Breeze Climate Factor Library - Supported Sources

Breeze commits to maintain a database of emission factors companies useful to companies across a range of sizes, industries, and regions. We prioritize the quality and reliability of our data, incorporating emission factors exclusively from trusted and reputable sources. Our library includes up-to-date emission factors from the following authorities and more:

  • DEFRA | United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  • US EPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • AU DCCEEW | Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
  • CA ECCC | Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • EEA | European Environment Agency
  • EnergyStar | EnergyStar
  • GHGP | Greenhouse Gas Protocol
  • IFI | International Financial Institutions Technical Working Group On Greenhouse Gas Accounting
  • IGES | Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
  • NZ ME | New Zealand Ministry for the Environment

How to request new emission factors be added to the Breeze database

To request additional emission factors, simply contact support with a link to the source you would like to be added. Please consider whether these emission factors would have broad application beyond your organization. We will get back to you shortly with our decision, and if we decide to include those emission factors they will be added during our next round of updates.

Make your request here

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