How to Format Data for Import
Whether you’re doing your first upload in the onboarding flow or importing your monthly activity data, Breeze imports all use the same basic format. In this article, we show you how to format your spreadsheets for easy and trouble-free imports.
We work with Flatfile to bring you a simple, powerful data import experience.
You can start with the sample upload file available on the Data page, or simply upload your own!
Data imports are available on all Paid plans
Required Columns
To upload data into Breeze successfully, it has to be formatted in a certain way. Your upload should meet these criteria:
- Each data point should be on its own line. That means each line should have, at a minimum, a Source Name, Start Date, Usage Quantity, and Usage Unit. It can also have a Place, End Date, and Notes.
- Source and Place names should match any system values exactly, including upper and lower case letters. This only applies for non-onboarding uploads.
- Dates should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD if possible, but you can upload other date formats without issue.
- Unit symbols should match system values exactly, including upper and lower case letters. Use the template below to ensure you use the correct unit symbols. You can find a full list of system default units here.
Each source will have one emission factor assigned. Therefore, location-specific sources (e.g., electricity) should each be titled according to their location (e.g., "Electricity - Ontario" and "Electricity - UK").