How to Add Users to Your Team

Breeze allows you to have as many accounts/users as you would like in each Organization.

This article explains how to add users to your Organization’s team, whether they are already Breeze users or not.

To learn more about Team Members and User Roles, click here.


How to add users to your Organization:

  1. Navigate to Settings>Team
  2. Under “Team Members”, click “Invite”
  3. If you click “Copy Invite Link”, a unique URL will be copied to your clipboard. Anyone with this link can join your Organization’s team.
  4. You can also type a team member’s email and click “Send Invitation” to send a direct email to that user, allowing them to join your Organization’s team.

To add a Service Provider (for example, a consultant), simply click “Copy Invite Link” in the service providers bubble and share it with any relevant individuals.

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