Unit Types

Breeze uses units of measure and unit types to simplify the data entry and emissions calculation process. This article explains how these elements relate to each other and how you can use them.

What are unit types?

Unit types are groups of units that measure the same thing (for example, Volume can be measured in gallons, or cubic meters). In Breeze, each source is assigned a unit type so data points can be entered in any unit of measure with the same type and emissions can still be calculated seamlessly.

Unit Types in Breeze

We use the following unit types to classify units and simplify unit conversions. Each unit type has a standard unit, to which all data points are converted for emissions calculation. Where possible, SI units are selected for the standard unit.

Unit Type

Standard Unit

Use case

Count # Count is used for sources that require a basic quantity to be measured. For example, number of MacBook Pros purchased.
Currency $USD Currency is used for measuring emissions using economic data, such as spend values.
Distance km Distance is used primarily for measuring travel data. For example, km driven in a company vehicle.
Emissions MTCO2e Emissions is used to enter emissions data directly if calculated off-platform.
Energy kWh Energy is used for measuring purchased electricity and other forms of electrical energy. It can also be used for measuring fuel emissions based on their energy content.
Freight tkm Freight is defined as a measurement unit corresponding to the transport of one ton over a specified distance, commonly used for measuring shipping emissions.
FTE Hours FTE-hour FTE Hours are used for activities that relate to labour. These units are per-FTE-time.
Mass kg Mass is used for measuring data like waste-to-landfill or fuels like propane.
Night(s) night(s) Nights are used primarily for measuring hotel stay emissions.
Percentage % Percentage is used primarily for non-GHG measurements, such as the percentage of employees who are women.
Travel pkm Also called passenger-distance, this unit type is used for measuring passenger travel by distance.
Volume L Volume is used for a variety of purposes, for example fuels or water consumption.
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