Reporting Year

Efficiently managing your annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory reports comes down to smoothly navigating through Reporting Years and handling data points. Your Reporting Year is the foundation of your data, providing a structured timeline for your GHG data entries. While Breeze assigns a default based on the calendar year, your team might have different requirements. Let's dive into how you can tweak, edit, and manage these aspects with just a few clicks.

Understanding Reporting Years

  • Your organization’s data is automatically organized into annual GHG Inventories using Reporting Years
  • Initially, the default reporting year matches the current calendar year

Adjusting the Annual Cycle

  • Need to match the reporting year with your fiscal year? Simply navigate to Map>Reporting Years and edit the End Date of the current Reporting Year

Completing Reporting Years

  • Finalize your annual GHG inventory, and mark the reporting year as 'Complete' to end data collection and assign a new reporting year
  • Data points assigned to Complete Reporting Years cannot be edited unless the year is reopened

New Data Points

  • Every new Data Point is automatically assigned to your Organization’s Current Reporting Year.

Editing Completed Data

  • To edit data points in a 'Complete' reporting year, head to Map>Reporting Years and reopen the necessary year for editing

Editing Data Points

  • To assign existing data points to an existing reporting year, click “Edit” on the Data page, then click ‘Show Advanced Fields’ to find the reporting year field
  • To assign multiple data points to an open reporting year, navigate to Data>Bulk Edit, then select the data points to reassign and click the calendar icon to select a new reporting year

Reporting Year Fields

In your reporting year, you’ll find a range of values crucial for compiling your GHG Inventory reports. Each field plays a vital role in understanding and communicating your organization's environmental impact. Below is a section where you might typically find a table in our system:

Field Name



Title* The name assigned to this Reporting Year. This will be used to identify the Reporting Year throughout the system. This field is required. “FY 2024”
Description Additional details related to this Reporting Year. “Aligned with financial year”
End Date* The last date of the Reporting Year. This is commonly either December 31st or your fiscal year end. “June 30, 2024”
Status* Whether the Reporting Year is Current, Open, or Complete. “Current”

In case of bumps along the way, our support team is just a click away. Feel free to delve into specific help articles or reach out directly through our Helpdesk. Let’s make your GHG reporting both impactful and hassle-free!

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