Data Quality Flags

Data Quality Flags are a key tool for monitoring the quality of your data in the Data Quality Center. They help identify potential issues with incoming data, ensuring that your inventory remains accurate and reliable. Flags are visible on the Data page, and you can also find them by clicking the flag icon on the Edit Data Point view or next to each data point on the Bulk Edit Data page.

Origins of Data Quality Flags



User Manually identified by a user.
Realtime Automatically generated as data is ingested into the system.
Run (Coming early 2025) Generated by the system when a user runs a data quality check.

Note: Run-related checks are planned for early 2025. Currently, only Realtime and User-Identified Flags are available.

Types of Data Quality Flags

Flags can indicate various types of issues. Below is a description of each flag type:

Type Description
Duplicate Indicates this Data Point has an exact duplicate.
Calculation Highlights an error when calculating this Data Point, possibly due to missing or invalid fields.
Climate Factor Points to an issue related to the selected Climate Factor on this Data Point.
Dates Flags a problem with the time period or date coverage.
Variance - Current Reporting Year Identifies a significant variance between this Data Point and the total emissions in its Reporting Year.
Variance - Previous Data Indicates a significant variance between this Data Point and related previous Data Points.
User-Identified A manually created flag for a user-identified issue.

Flag Statuses

Each flag can have one of the following statuses:

Status Description
Unread The flag has not been viewed.
Unresolved The flag has been viewed but still requires a resolution.
Explained A user has provided an explanation for the flag, marking it as resolved.
Resolved The issue causing the flag has been fixed.
Ignored The flag has been intentionally ignored by a user, marking it as resolved.

Status Workflow

  • When you view a flag, it is marked as Unresolved (if it was previously Unread).
  • Adding a comment to a flag marks it as Explained.
  • Fixing the issue that caused the flag automatically marks it as Resolved.

Viewing Flags

  • The total number of flags is displayed on the Home screen and the Data page.
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