
Places are the best way to manage all of your physical (and virtual) locations in Breeze. These could be production sites, offices, companies in your value chain, or even employee home offices!

Fields on Places

All Places have the same fields, designed to keep track of all relevant information.

Here is a brief description of each one:

Field Name



Name* The main identifier of this Place throughout the system. Either the address or another name you use to refer to this pPlace. “Headquarters” or “100 Main St”
Description Additional information used to describe this place for future reference, and for other members of your organization. “Where most of our employees work. Our corporate headquarters.”
Address The street address of this Place. This can be used to extract the country, state/province, city, and other useful geographical information about this place for future analysis. If you don’t want to enter the full address, you can just enter the city, state/province, or country instead. “100 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8P 1H6, Canada” or “Hamilton, ON, Canada”
Area The floor area, or size, of the Place. This can be entered in either square feet (ft2) or square meters (m2). This can be used for estimation purposes or calculation of intensities. “12,000 ft2”
Ownership Status* The ownership status of the Place. This will be used to determine the emissions scope for data at this Place, and to increase the accuracy of recommendations for reduction initiatives.

Pick from the following options:

  • Owned
  • Leased
  • Owned but leased to a 3rd party
  • Leased but subleased to a 3rd party
  • Other/unknown
  • 3rd party
Tags Tags are used to classify and connect Places and data points throughout Breeze. Tags are commonly used for operational divisions or other reporting structures. If data is entered at this place, all of the Place’s tags will be attached to the data for future analysis. For more information on tags, click here. “Office” or “Manufacturing”

*This field is required

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