How to Collect Data

Breeze provides several methods for adding data to your platform, making it easier to manage your sustainability information. Whether you’re adding one data point at a time or importing large datasets, Breeze offers flexible solutions to suit your needs. Here’s an overview of the different options:

Quick Add: Add Data Points One at a Time

Easily add a single data point from any screen within the platform. This is perfect for quick, one-off entries.

Import Data: Upload from a Spreadsheet

Upload large datasets quickly from an Excel, CSV, or JSON file directly on the Data page.

Click here to learn more about Importing Data

Quick Links: Single-Use Data Collection Forms

Use Quick Links to collect data from external sources or individuals with one-time-use forms.

Click here to learn more about Quick Links

Workspaces: Dedicated Data Entry Portals

Create customized portals for specific users, places, or sources to streamline data entry.

Click here to learn more about Workspaces

Direct Connections to Utility Providers and Custom APIs

Automate data entry by connecting directly to utility provider accounts or setting up custom API integrations.

Contact support to learn more about connecting directly to external data sources

Each of these methods is designed to make your data entry process as easy and efficient as possible, whether you’re managing a few data points or overseeing an extensive sustainability program. If you have any questions or need assistance with any of these options, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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