If you want to give users access to enter data in Breeze but not make any modifications to your Map, you can create a dedicated Workspace for data entry.
Workspaces are portals for users to have restricted access to enter, edit, and export data for a pre-defined set of Sources and Places. You can control whether those users can also edit/export data, or only input new Data Points.
Unlike Quick Links, Workspaces are always open for their assigned Users and they can enter data for any time period and combination of Places/Sources within their assigned set. This is preferable for users who continually need to provide the same data points over time.
Workspaces are available on all paid plans. Click here for information on Pricing.
Create a Workspace
All Workspaces have the same configurable fields, designed to make setting them up easy.
Here is a brief description of each option:
Field Name | Description | Example |
Name* | A unique name for the Workspace. This is used to identify it throughout Breeze and is shown to the user. | “Manufacturing Site Operations Team” |
Note* | A descriptive paragraph which is shown to the user at the top of their Workspace. | “This Workspace is for the Operations team at our Manufacturing Site to provide all facility-related data.” |
User(s) | One or more users who have access to this Portal. These must be Workspace User type team members. | “” |
Place(s) | The Places for which which the Users can enter data. They will only be able to add/edit/view data for these Places. If it is left blank, they can enter data for any active Place. | “Manufacturing Site” |
Source(s) | The Sources for which which the Users can enter data. They will only be able to add/edit/view data for these Sources. If it is left blank, they can enter data for any active Source. | “Electricity”, “Natural Gas” |
Allow Add | Toggle this on if you would like your workspace users to be able to add new Data Points in their Workspace. | Yes |
Allow Edit | Toggle this on if you would like users to be able to edit historical data entries. If left off, they can only add new data and view historical data. | Yes |
Allow Export | Toggle this on if you would like users to be able to export a csv of historical data points within their restricted dataset. | No |
Show Analytics | Toggle this on if you would like your users to be able to view charts and metrics in their Workspace | Yes |
*This field is required
Adding users to Workspaces
To take advantage of Workspaces, you need to add “Workspace User” team members. You can do this from the Settings>Team page.
These users will only have access to their assigned Workspaces.