
Sources are one of the core building blocks of your GHG inventory. Every data point has a source which identifies the type of data and is used to determine which emission factor should be applied.

Fields on Sources

The fields available on sources vary based on the emissions profile of the source.

Here is a brief description of the fields present on every source:

Field Name



Name* The main identifier of this Source throughout the system. “Grid Electricity - Ontario”
Description Additional information used to describe this Source for future reference, and for other members of your organization. “Electricity Purchased from the grid in Ontario”
Guidance A description of the source and expected data to be shown to anyone entering data through a Quick Link. “Electricity purchased from the grid at our office. This should be on the utility invoice, which you can get from the accounting team.”
Group The Source Group. For more information, click here. “Purchased Electricity”
Default Place If this Source is specifically used at one site (for example, with Electricity), you can add a Default Place to auto-populate that Place when entering data. “Headquarters”
Unit Type* The type of usage data you will receive. This will determine which Usage Units will be available at data entry. This also determines which Standard Unit to which all Usage Quantities will be converted. For more information on Unit Types, click here.
Source Type Whether this Source is Renewable, Non-Renewable, or Neutral. Basically, this tells Breeze whether you want your use of this source to go up or down. “Non-Renewable”

*This field is required

Emissions Fields

In addition to the default fields, there are some values specific to sources where you are tracking emissions. This applies to both Active and Market-based emissions - learn more about the difference here.

These fields will become available when you toggle “Active Emissions”, and where applicable “Market Emissions”.

Field Name Description Example
Scope (In Control)** Emissions scope to be applied by default, and/or when the Place is in control according to your boundary method and the Place’s ownership status. Read more about emissions scopes. Learn more about what this is used for here. “Scope 2”
Scope (Not In Control)** Emissions scope to be applied when the Place is not in control according to your boundary method and the Place’s ownership status. Read more about emissions scopes. Learn more about what this is used for here. “Scope 3”
Active Climate Factor** The Climate Factor that will be used to calculate Active emissions for this Source. “CA ECCC - Electricity - Canada - Ontario - 2022-04-01” (read more)
Use Active Climate Factor For Market Emissions*** When this is toggled on, the Active Climate Factor will be applied to calculate Market emissions. No
Market Climate Factor*** The Climate Factor that will be used to calculate Market emissions for this Source. “Hydro Ottawa Emission Intensity - 2022”

**Only required when Active Emissions are being tracked.

***Only required when Market Emissions are being tracked.

The selected climate factor unit type should always match the Source’s unit type.

Deactivating Sources

When Sources are no longer being used but the historical data must be maintained for analysis and reporting purposes, you can deactivate the Source. This will prevent it from appearing in data entry forms or data upload templates, without affecting existing data.

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