Projects in Breeze enable you to measure emissions from point-in-time activities or things that don’t naturally fit within your organization’s annual emissions inventory. These might include products, services, events, or even financial investments like stocks. Projects provide a flexible way to calculate and allocate emissions tied to these discrete activities.
Projects are currently in Beta. To access them you must enable Beta access in Settings.
Fields on Projects
Projects have several key fields to help you organize and manage data effectively.
Field Name | Description | Example |
Title* | The name of the Project, used for easy identification in Breeze. | "Annual Sustainability Conference 2024" |
Description | Additional details to provide context for the Project. | "Emissions measurement for the conference, including travel, energy, and catering." |
Methodology | A dropdown menu linking to a calculation methodology stored in your database. This explains the logic or standards applied to the emissions data. Methodologies must be added before selecting them here. | "GHG Protocol: Product Lifecycle Accounting" |
Data | Variables and data points used to calculate emissions from this Project. See Below. |
Project Data
Each Project contains Project Data Points that contribute to its emissions calculation. Data points include the following fields:
- Variable: Similar to "Sources" in your organization-wide inventory but specific to the Project. For example, a Variable might represent "Electricity (kWh)" or "Flights (miles)."
- Usage Quantity: The numeric value for the Variable (e.g., 1,200 kWh of electricity).
- Usage Unit: The unit of measurement for the Variable (e.g., kWh, kg, miles).
- Notes: Optional details for context (e.g., "Estimated based on vendor invoices").
- Allocation: A percentage of the data point that is allocated to the Project. This can be under or over 100%.
Allocation in Action
The Allocation field allows you to specify how much of a data point applies to the Project. For example, if a utility bill covers an entire office but only 50% of the energy is for your Project, you can allocate 50%. The default allocation is 100%.
Example: Adding Project Data
Imagine you're measuring emissions from a local festival:
- Add a Variable: "Diesel Generators (liters)."
- Set the Usage Quantity: 500 liters.
- Select the Usage Unit: liters.
- Add Notes: "Based on fuel receipts."
- Specify Allocation: 100%.
Each data point will generate an emissions calculation based on its methodology and factors in Breeze.
Viewing Project Results
Once data is entered, Breeze calculates the Project's total emissions. These results can be reviewed in the Project screen, where you can see:
- Total Emissions: The aggregate emissions for the Project based on all data points.
Example Use Case
You’re managing emissions for a charity fundraiser. The event uses rented generators, guest travel, and catering services. Using Projects, you can:
- Assign a clear name and description to the fundraiser.
- Log fuel usage, travel miles, and catering emissions under Variables.
- Allocate specific percentages of shared resources (e.g., utility bills) to reflect the fundraiser’s share.
Tips for Success
- Be Specific: Provide detailed notes to avoid confusion later.
- Prepare Methodologies: Create and assign relevant methodologies before entering data.
- Leverage Allocations: Use the Allocation field to reflect accurate emissions shares, especially for shared resources.