Organizational Boundary Approaches
One of the first steps organizations have to take when conducting their GHG Inventocry is setting an Organizational Boundary Approach (see this section of our Comprehensive Guide to Measuring Business GHG Emissions for more information).
We make this easy in Breeze by setting the default option to the most commonly used across all industries and organization sizes: Operational Control.
You can always change your boundary approach by navigating to Settings>Organization and scrolling to “Carbon Accounting Preferences”. See this article for more information.
How your boundary approach is applied in Breeze
Breeze is designed to make aligning your data with your boundaries as seamless and straightforward as possible. We do this by integrating best-practices throughout the setup process.
When you create a Place, you select an Ownership Status. Based on this and your Organizational Boundary method, we determine whether or not the Place is in your control.
When you create a Source and opt to track Active emissions, you select a Scope when in control and when not in control.
Finally, when you enter data and select a Place, Breeze determines whether or not the place is in control and applies the appropriate Emissions Scope based on the Place’s control status.
This way, you can always be confident that your data aligns with your Boundary Approach, and therefore complies with all reporting frameworks based on the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard!