Why Is My Data Point Processing?
There are a number of different calculations that need to be done one each data point in Breeze (whether emissions are being tracked for its Source or not). If you see that a data point is processing, there could be a number of reasons why.
Why a data point might be processing
Here are some reasons why your data might be in a processing state
- It has just been uploaded via data import
- It has just been added via quick add
- It has just been edited
What is happening in the background?
Breeze goes through the following steps with all new data points. If your data has been edited, a subset of these steps may still be executed:
- Assign Source-specific details. This includes emissions scope, standard unit, climate factors, etc.
- Assign Place-specific details. This generally means adjusting the emissions scope based on whether or not the Place is in control.
- Calculate Standard Quantity. In Breeze, all data points have a standard quantity based on the Unit Type. This is calculated first so that emission calculations can use the standard quantity.
- Calculate emissions (if being tracked). Active and Market emissions, as applicable, will be calculated using the Data Point’s Climate Factors.
Processing generally doesn’t take very long - a few seconds for a single data point, or longer if there are many records processing at the same time. If you are seeing a record stuck in the processing state, please contact support