Why Is My Data Point Processing?


There are a number of different calculations that need to be done one each data point in Breeze (whether emissions are being tracked for its Source or not). If you see that a data point is processing, there could be a number of reasons why.

Why a data point might be processing

Here are some reasons why your data might be in a processing state

  1. It has just been uploaded via data import
  2. It has just been added via quick add
  3. It has just been edited

What is happening in the background?

Breeze goes through the following steps with all new data points. If your data has been edited, a subset of these steps may still be executed:

  1. Assign Source-specific details. This includes emissions scope, standard unit, climate factors, etc.
  2. Assign Place-specific details. This generally means adjusting the emissions scope based on whether or not the Place is in control.
  3. Calculate Standard Quantity. In Breeze, all data points have a standard quantity based on the Unit Type. This is calculated first so that emission calculations can use the standard quantity.
  4. Calculate emissions (if being tracked). Active and Market emissions, as applicable, will be calculated using the Data Point’s Climate Factors.

Processing generally doesn’t take very long - a few seconds for a single data point, or longer if there are many records processing at the same time. If you are seeing a record stuck in the processing state, please contact support

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